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来源:https://www.xjnwz.com日期:2022-05-09 发布人:admin


Is it necessary to use a torsional shear electric wrench to tighten torsional shear high-strength bolts?
扭剪型高强螺栓需要使用扭剪扳手,因为扭剪螺栓拧紧需要折断其梅花头 ,只有扭剪电动扳手才能剪断梅花头,在拧紧之前,先拧紧高强度螺栓,扭剪螺栓的初拧可以选冲击电动扳手,定扭矩电动扳手或扭剪初紧扳手,一般达到拧紧的50-60%的扭矩就足够了。
Torsional shear type high-strength bolts need to use a torsional shear wrench, because the torsional shear bolt needs to break its plum blossom head. Only the torsional shear electric wrench can cut the plum blossom head. Before tightening, tighten the high-strength bolt first. For the initial tightening of torsional shear bolts, impact electric wrench, constant torque electric wrench or torsional shear initial tightening wrench can be selected. Generally, 50-60% of the tightening torque is enough.
Many factories will use a variety of electronic equipment in daily industrial production, among which the more common is the electric torsional shear wrench. The main function of this equipment is to use electric energy to tighten the screws through the high-speed driving device. So how should we use the electric torsional shear wrench to tighten? What are the precautions?
Tightening operation of electric torsion shear wrench
1. Install the reaction support and tighten the screws. Start the main engine so that the square head pin hole corresponds to the reaction force support hole, then install the wrench socket, insert the pin and fix it with a rubber ring.
2. Adjust the torque knob of the controller to the required torque value, turn the forward and backward switches of the host to the forward position, and place the wrench socket on the hexagon of the threaded joint.
3. Press the power switch to start the electric torsion shear wrench. When the force arm of the reaction support rests firmly on the support (the fulcrum can be an adjacent bolt or other position that can be used as a fulcrum), the bolt begins to tighten. When the bolt torque reaches the predetermined torque, the wrench will automatically stop, the tightening is completed, loosen the power switch and tighten the next bolt.
4. 电动扭剪扳手自动停止后,反作用支架的弹性变形力使支撑力臂自动与支点分离,并拆下扳手。如果力臂无法与支点分离,则转动正极和负极开关,然后单击电源开关扳手将其拆下。
4. After the electric torsion shear wrench stops automatically, the elastic deformation force of the reaction support will automatically separate the support arm from the fulcrum, and remove the wrench. If the force arm cannot be separated from the fulcrum, turn the positive and negative switches, and then click the power switch wrench to remove them.
Precautions for use of electric torsion shear wrench
1. The bolt diameter has a certain impact on the control accuracy. During construction, the same type of bolt connection pair shall be used to calibrate the torque value, and shall be checked and calibrated after use for a period of time.
2. Start and idle for 3-5 minutes before operation. In case of large spark, abnormal noise and unstable torque of the motor during operation, it shall be shut down immediately for inspection. It is not allowed to work with diseases. If necessary, it is also necessary to check the line to avoid short circuit.
3. Clean and replace lubricating grease regularly. Generally, after 5000 times of operation, clean and refuel once to prolong the service life. At the same time, check the internal circuit of the equipment. If the internal circuit is damaged, replace the parts in time.
4. The power switch, carbon brush and fuse on the host control instrument are vulnerable parts, which are easy to cause faults. They should be checked frequently and replaced in time, especially the fuse, which must be safe during inspection.
5. When handling tools, do not lift the cable, and pay attention to handle it gently to prevent vibration and falling. When the electric torsion shear wrench is not used, it should be placed in a ventilated and dry place. If moisture is found in the equipment, it shall be dried in time. Do not store in contact with acids, alkalis and other harmful substances.
The above is a detailed introduction to the price of torsional shear wrench. I hope it will be helpful to you If you have any questions, please contact us We will provide you with professional service https://www.xjnwz.com